Friends are a gift from God. May the Lord inspire you to encourage and lift up your friends today!

Character Inspirations: Dodge
Take another look behind the scenes of the production of Arielle Namenyi's, "The Pony Express", a graphic novel. Did you know that the...

God Bless Our Firefighters!
A tribute to firefighters everywhere! We've been having a lot of fire here in Southern California, and we just want to thank so many of...
It's amazing how powerful our thoughts are. Sometimes we don't realize that we affect so many things around us just by the way we...

Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day! Celebrating Moms Everywhere!

First Peek At "Behind the Scenes"
Here's a first peek from "Behind the Scenes With Arielle Namenyi". Creating books comes with mass amounts of edits, and here is just a...
How To Draw With Arielle Namenyi-Dodge
Learn how to draw a mustang named Dodge, the main character from our book called "The Pony Express", By Arielle Namenyi. This short video...
A Beautiful Testimony By A Beautiful Person!
This is one of the most beautiful testimonies we have ever heard! God has made Lizzie Velasquez such an amazing person and we would like...

NEW! "The Pony Express: Mail Run" Printable Board Game!
We've added a new cool activity to "The Pony Express" page under our "Free Stuff". Here you can print the all new "The Pony Express: Mail...
We're On Tumblr!
A.N. Christian Comics is now on Tumblr! http://anchristiancomics.tumblr.com/