Last Month of Autumn
Enjoy the last month of Autumn! Characters from "The Pony Express" By Arielle Namenyi:http://www.anchristiancomics.com/#!books/cnec

"The Pony Express" Characters as Foals
Ever wondered what the main characters from the book "The Pony Express" By Arielle Namenyi would look like as foals? Here's Namenyi's...

Pray For India
Since my husband and I signed up to support a child and a missionary through Gospel for Asia, we have been recieving the GFA newsletter....

NEW Adam's Gift Comic!
We just added a new comic strip under our "FREE STUFF - Comics" page, called "Adam's Gift" based off of the account in Genesis chapter 2...

Happy Cinco De Mayo!
Happy Cinco De Mayo! Here's some history behind the holiday: http://www.history.com/topics/holidays/cinco-de-mayo

NEW! "The Pony Express" Personality Quiz
We just added a new activity to our website: "Which Pony Express Character Are You?" Personality Quiz. Take the quiz and see which...